Actress Neha Sharma is slowly and steadily making her presence in Hindi film industry. She was already seen in three seasons of the “Illegal” series and now will be part of the “36 Days” series.
This series is rumored to be an adaptation of the British series “35 Days.” It will be available for streaming on the Sony Liv OTT platform on July 12, 2024.
Alongside Neha Sharma, this series also stars Amruta Khanvilkar, Sushant Divgikar, Shruti Seth, Purab Kohli, Sharib Hashmi, Chandan Roy Sanyal, and a few others.
This thriller series is made under the banner of Applause Entertainment and directed by Vishal Furia. Quais Waseeq is the cinematographer, and Abhijit Deshpande took care of the editing.