“The Great Indian Kitchen” was one of the most sensible movies released in Malayalam in 2021. This film was later remade in many other languages, and now the Hindi version is getting ready to entertain the audience, titled “Mrs.”
The makers of “Mrs.” earlier planned for a theatrical release and dropped a teaser an year ago. It looks like the makers have now changed their decision and decided to premiere the movie directly on the OTT platform.
The OTT streaming rights for this movie are acquired by the Zee5 OTT platform, and the OTT release date is yet to be announced. Sanya Malhotra, Nishant Dahiya, and Kanwaljit Singh are plying the lead roles.
Directed by Arati Kadav, this film is produced by Jyoti Deshpande, Pammi Baweja, and Harman Baweja. Sagar Desai and Faizan Hussain are the music composers, and Pratham Mehta handled the camera.