Do you ever got a question in your mind How TRP for a Television channels is calculated? then you are at the right place to find answers of all these questions. Various factors are there that define the TRP of a TV channel or programme. TRP is a well-known parameter for Television. Let us study through this article about TRP, what is the mechanism or procedure to calculate the TRP, What affect it paves to the channel or programme etc.
What is a TRP?
TRP is a Television Rating Point. It is the tool that tells us which channel and the programme are viewed most or it indicates the popularity of a TV channel or a programme. It shows how many times people are watching a channel or a particular programme. TRP enables advertisers and investors to understand the mood of the people. According to the TRP of a TV Channel or programme advertisers decide where to display their advertisements and investors will decide about the investment of the money.
How to calculate or check TRP?
Do you know that earlier TRP is calculated by Indian agencies namely INTAM and DART? INTAM is an Indian Television Audience Measurement. Earlier, DART that is Doordarshan Audience Research TV Ratings was used to calculate these ratings as that time the only channel available was only Doordarshan. In August 2015, BARC and TAM announced that they will form a joint venture for meter management, with BARC having majority control. Effectively, it made BARC India the single provider of TV viewership data.
BARC was founded in 2010 by the Indian Broadcasting Foundation, the Indian Society of Advertisers, and the Advertising Agencies Association of India. BARC gathers data from 44,000 households across India – which is known as the “sample size” – to rate the viewership of over 600 channels. The households are segmented by class, language and geography. India has 862 million TV viewers.
How BARC Monitoring TRP ?
BARC will install chip activated meters & remotes to some of the selected families. These meters contains with different Age Group Buttons on remotes, Those Watching should select Age Group button in these meters. If a channel not changed for Hours such data will become invalid
TRP Calculation Methods
1. People Meters
People meters device is installed in some places or set in selected homes to calculate the TRP. In this way, some thousand viewers are surveyed in the form of justice and sampling. These gadgets record data about the channel or programme watched by the family members or selected people. Through this meter, the information of TV channel or programme for one minute is carried out by the INTAM a monitoring team i.e. Indian Television Audience Measurement. After analysing the information, the team decides what is the TRP of the channel or programme. Or we can say that this data is later analysed by the agency to create a national TRP data of various TV channels and TV programmes.
2. Picture Matching
2. Second method is known as picture matching where the people meter records a small portion of the picture that is being watched on the TV. This data is collected from a set of homes in the form of pictures and later on is analysed to calculate the TRPs.
What happens when TRP increases or decreases?
The increase or decrease in the TRP of any programme directly affects the income of that TV channel in which the programme is coming. Do you know that any TV channel like Sony, Star Plus, Z Channel, etc. earn money through advertisements? If suppose the TRP of a program or channel is low which means that people are watching it less so, advertisers will give fewer advertisements and pay less. But, if the TRP is high for the programme then more advertisements, advertisers, and money. So, we can say that TRP depends not only on the channel but on the programme as well.
What is TRP Rate?
The TRP rate is one on which the TRP of a TV channel is calculated. TRP of any channel or programme depends upon the programme that is displayed. It can be understood that when a film star arrives in a program for the promotion of his movie, the TRP of that programme increases automatically because people like to see that film star more.